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Disney Operation Doc McStuffins Game

Brand: Hasbro

Offer: £21.64
PVP: £29.04


Disney Operation Doc McStuffins GameCure the pupitas and don't sound the alarmEasy to catch piecesLarge holes for more funIncludes: The game unit with Disney Doc McStuffins characters, drawer to store the pieces and tweezers, 9 pieces of pink plastic dolls and 10 cardboard strips for the dolls.Powered by 2 R6 batteriesFree batteriesDisney licensed


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Test your skill with the classic operation game this time, with Disney's version of Doc McStuffins.

Comments (1)

| 29/10/2016
Disney Operation Doc McStuffins Game

Genial la versión de Operación en Doctora Juguetes y con las pilas gratis

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